Weaving Together the Magical Tapestry of Life
LIGIA LOALI gently weaves timelines, destiny paths with deep healing through her offerings, supporting women and men to reconnect with their primordial sexual, innocent and wild yin side.
Through the oracular art she bridges Akashic Transmissions as sacred journeys into the heart and womb, guiding and bringing clarity to those who seek a deeper understanding of themselves. She walks the Rose Path which she simply calls “Love’s way” and describes her work as a safe temple for people to open and explore the most beautiful version of themselves.
Ligia Loali impleteste cu blandete cararile destinului cu vindecarea profunda prin ceea ce ea ofera, sustinand femei si barbati in a se reconecta cu sexualitatea lor primordiala si cu inocenta aspectului feminin din ei. Prin arta oraculara, aduce impreuna Citirile Akashice si Calatoriile Mistice ale Pantecului, sub forma unor calatorii initiatice in inima si pantec, ghidand si aducand claritate celor care cauta sa se cunoasca in profunzime. Paseste pe Calea Trandafirului Sufletesc, pe care o numeste simplu “Calea Iubirii” si isi vede munca ca pe un templu care ofera siguranta celor care ii ies in cale, de a se deschide si de a-si explora cea mai frumoasa versiune a sufletului lor in aceasta viata, ramanand mereu imbratisata de ambiguitatea salbatica a vietii.

Ligia's Offerings

Rose Trails
The Rose Akashic Journey

Earth Oracle
The Akashic Records

Rose Courses
“Ligia’s readings are so clear and sharp, cutting through confusion with fresh and sometimes surprising insight.
She uses very clear imagery which rings true to my heart. The combination of energy healing, hands on massage, and drawing on the wisdom of the akashic record is so powerful.
Her body of work is clearly based on the foundation of Ligias own deep inner work. She is one of life’s wise women!
I fully recommend her work.” – Carly Akara